Bill Gibson (A Huge Stephen King & Christine Fan) is U.S. Navy Veteran Rescue Swimmer residing in Pensacola, FL. who for almost 2 decades has traveled with the cast and crew to shows and events around the country with his leading lady and museum in tow.
Bill Gibson is a retired but still working U.S. Navy Veteran rescue swimmer residing in Florida and has been touring the country with his Christine Movie Car, the most expansive, immersive Christine experience traveling today, now with two decades of thrilling fans under her wheels. Gibson took his passion for the 1983 Stephen King novel and film and poured it into a carefully detailed screen accurate representation of the titular homicidal vehicle, made of actual parts from cars featured in the John Carpenter-directed horror classic. Not only do fans get to meet Bill and his 2013 Mopar Hall of Fame-inducted Plymouth, but they get to spend time pouring over the world's largest mobile Christine museum, which features memorabilia, props, collectibles, and original merchandise that can only be seen at Christine Movie Car's appearances.
"Meeting" the car is truly an unforgettable encounter, as she has been outfitted with state-of-the-art interactive features reenacting elements from the book and film. Ghostly rock and roll drifts out of green fog billowing from inside the vehicle as headlights flicker and Christine Movie Car roars to life before your eyes. Don't get too comfortable, though, as you just might get trapped in her for good!
Christine Movie Car, who just happens to have an actual assembly date of October 31st , 1957, has continued painting the road red in memorable screen appearances that include “Jacob”, John Schneider’s “Smothered”, SyFy’s “Sharknado: The 4th Awakens”, Stephen King’s “Castle Rock” John Carpenter's Anthology music video, and the television program "Graveyard Carz." Most recently Christine Movie Car joined the production of another Stephen King adaptation that will be announced in 2023. In addition to film and television, Christine Movie Car has been featured in Horrorhound, Fangoria, and several Mopar magazines.
Often imitated, never duplicated, Bill Gibson's Christine Movie Car offers a rare treat for fright fans and hot rod lovers alike!
Visit Christine Movie Car at ChristineMovieCar.com to get the latest updates on events & appearances, and don’t forget to drive by her social media so she makes sure to put you on her “Do Not Run Over List “ ;0) {oo)==v==(oo}
Provided by Bill Gibson written by Justin Beahm
https://www.justinbeahm.com/ owner of Reverend Entertainment